The Highest good of Whom, What, Where, When, and Why?

In my previous life, before other things took over, I wrote an op/ed column entitled “MindfullSpoken” which was published in various places throughout Wyoming and in the nationally distributed Liberal Opinion Week.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written any such pieces. Other things were published instead, including my book, WindWords of Wyoming. It mostly isn’t about Wyoming…it’s mostly about life, friends, family, the natural world and critters… some of it is about the “bigger” picture with some metaphysical and spiritual musings included.

Now, with the current social-political climate in the USA and my continued improved health, I feel a bit of a need to write opinions, etc. again, but in a different vein than my old column. I once said when I grow up I want to be like my friend, Roberta, in Boulder, Colorado. She is a Wise Woman who shines with love, goodwill, and wisdom; with joy, reverence and love. You can never have enough love and Roberta has plenty to share. I am going to go out on a limb, right now, right here, and say I think I may have grown up a little, now. I *feel* a little like a neophyte-Roberta. Thus, this blog, For The Highest Good.

Folks have a way of calling me on the phone to discuss their day, their concerns, their troubles and their joys. I make it a habit to commiserate, empathise, and finally, if possible, help them in seeing any positives which may come of it. To that end, I usually include a small blessing which goes like this:

(Insert deity of choice/or none), I give thanks for this day. I give thanks for (insert your fervent desire-need-wish). I give thanks for this or something better, for the highest good of all concerned. So mote it be!

It’s that “this or something better for the highest good of all concerned” that gets our ego, our too-busy minds, our fears, out of the way, as in we “give up,” “give over” to the will of god, the great spirit, yahweh, whomever or whatever you might believe in as a higher power, even yourself. That’s right, even yourself. We each of us have our own Intuitive Self, an Inner knowing which can guide us if we learn to listen and let go. So, please join me as I offer up a weekly  For the Highest Good and let’s see what we can cook up. Who knows? We might do great things together!

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Educate away the fear and hatred.

When I was a PR person for the Wyoming Grassroots Project, a human rights org., the thing we learned to stress the most was education, not just in school for children, but also in communities for the adults who are raising them. We had all kinds of seminars, guest speakers, film viewings, and even a cultural fair which showcased the diversity of Wyoming’s population. One of the women who came to help us was from a “parent” organisation called the Northwest something or other (it’s been defunct for a few years.) She had been all over the north west, facilitating meetings of concerned citizens, etc. as the white supremacists targeted five north west states, including WY, to take over as their “homeland.” I remember her telling us of white men who would come to the public meetings, in Montana and elsewhere, stand at the back of the room with their arms crossed and their guns in holsters on their hips, which it was perfectly legal for them to do, trying to intimidate her into silence. I considered her to be a very brave young woman as what she had to say about equal rights for all humans was not very popular. The head of the alliance she worked for had his home firebombed in the late 80s or early 90s because the message was so unpopular. But, we prevailed. I know there is still much work to do and we may be seeing an uprising of the supremacists, again, but we did make inroads and that gives me hope.

The limbaughs, hannitys, etc. are culpable, but if we educate their listeners they will dry up and go off the air. limbaugh just lost UPS as a major advertiser because of his crap. We can urge companies who advertise on their shows to withdraw their funding. THAT is what the media understand…threaten their ad revenue and there will be changes.

It also pays to try a good antidote for our own sakes by listening to Keith Oblermann and Rachel Maddow and others…and urge others to watch them as well. But we cannot rely on just the media, we have to keep educating and reaching out to those whom we probably really don’t even want to associate with as that is how we humanise ourselves and them. No, we cannot reach nor have much of an effect on the extreme cases, but they are in the minority (that’s why they feel so threatened) and we can band together to make sure the truth is heard. I hear you say “but, truth is subjective.” I am talking about a truth of basic human rights and the laws of our land which protect them.

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Becoming fear-less through hope

When we are full of fear, as our political leaders would like us to be, as the country has been for the past eight years, it keeps us focussed on what we fear usually to the exclusion of all else. The war, the economy, the other guy who is our supposed enemy, anyone or thing which is different. This is the prevailing message even from the more posititve campaigns which are acting out their own fear…don’t claim victory until November 5th, lest it jinx things.

Fortunately, it is Obama surrogates who are carrying out the latter and they serve a purpose by doing so. It allows them to raise more funds and leaves Senator Obama free to carry on with his message of “Yes, we can!” and “Change we need.” He can continue with his offer of hope, that faint glimmer we all see and feel in our hearts but may be afraid to give full credence to…after all we’ve been struck down so many times when we bared our hopeful souls in the past. Not this time. With all of the support he has garnered, from important political figures such as Colin Powell, major newspapers, and conservatives we never thought would jump ship, and, last but most important, from ordinary citizens, Obama is winning. We will be able to open our hearts and truly believe that change has really come to our country.

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Pinning our hopes

While watching the third and final presidential debate between Senators Obama and McCain, it came to me, I not only am pinning my hopes on Obama winning and implementing much of the changes he purports, I am also pinning my hopes on the citizens of our country. After the past eight years or even the past twenty or so, it seems a bit difficult for me to really put that much faith in the voting public, yet there is something this time which feels differently to me. There is an indescribable assurance of Hope Fulfilled.

Four years ago when I listened to Obama speak at the Democratic National Convention, I thought, “Where has this guy been?” and “I want him for President!” Now we seem poised for this to happen in a very short time. I thought all of my hopes and efforts should be poured into his campaign, as much as I was able, until last night. Now, I see the challenge for me is to truly invest my Hope in my fellow citizens, to believe there are enough of them who are really ready for a significant change who will vote, and vote in the same way as myself. To that end, I will continue to volunteer my time and energies in calling folks, making sure they have plans to vote and transportation to and from the polls and such other things I may do to help the Obama and DNC campaigns.

To be honest, it has been a real challenge to write about this election and keep this blog free of cynicism. I haven’t done a very good job of keeping against my own cynicism whilst listening to the debate or the news. In my previous days as a columnist, I would have written with righteous indignation against many of the things McCain said in the debate and in his campaign. I guess I am progressing by not putting it in writing. I still think there is a need for news, dialogue, opinion/editorials, etc. as we do need to stay informed, challenged, and educated. It’s just not for me to do in that way, any more.

I am working on a fundemental (any one else getting tired of that word, as I am?) change in the way I think and react to such thingsas politics and the news of the day. I believe I owe it to myself, my family and friends, my country, the world, and the Great Spirit/Cosmic/etc., to be committed to staying positive; to speak no evil which really means fear, hate, lack; not denigrate, nor deride. Each of us is diminished when one of us acts in such a way towards another. By keeping our thoughts, words, both written and spoken, and actions positive, we are aligning with the Cosmic, giving over to the Cosmic’s will to effect what is best for the highest good of all concerned. So, while it might be more fun or more attractive, and certainly less lonely, to jump on the bandwagon, wringing our hands in consternation speaking words of doom and gloom, attacking those we don’t agree with, etc.,  it is best, in my opinion, to give over to the Divine within and believe in its wisdom, giving thanks, always, for this or something better, for the highest good of all concerned. So mote it be!

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Support of Friends

I awoke paralysed by fear the other morning. News of the economy and our own personal employment matters had worried me. The fear I felt was the same as over three years ago when I knew it was the morning I had to willingly walk through hospital doors and allow the doctors to open my chest, put my body on a heart-lung bypass machine and implant a new aortic valve in my heart. I had been on bedrest for most of the previous five months as we waited for the go-ahead for surgery. Thankfully it was a success, but I marvel, now, at how in the world I was able to walk in and let them do it. I know I was trying to focus every day on the outcome; trying to see myself coming home from the hospital, playing with my grandson and feeling so much better. I also had a set of cassette tapes which I listened to by Belleruth Naporstek. My surgeon was quite understanding; he followed my instructions, letting me keep the headphones on, listening to her positive suggestions as I prepared for surgery. He also made sure the tape player was on for me when I woke up in the recovery room.

I also had many family and friends from around the world, folk musicians I had met online, who were praying, giving thanks, and/or sending good energy to me. We had a campaign of our own which I created a visual for, an 8″ x 11″ sheet with pictures of my family and pets with my slogan, “In the Pink, on the Road to Wellville!” On surgery day, a lot of those friends wore something pink in solidarity with me. One of them, a woodworker, even made me a beautiful heart-shaped necklace on a pink cloth strand. There were many additional precious gifts, but the best of all was knowing they and my family were thinking of me and caring about me. So, I know, it wasn’t just courage that led me through the door, it was courage because I I had support from an incredible group and I am gratefull.

So, in these days of economic turmoil, we friends and families are reaching out to one another, as we do in crisis of any sort. We talk about our plans “just in case” and what we can do to help one another. Several of us also keep our thoughts, words, and actions as positive as possible, reminding one another to use the “I am” wisely, to remain calm, to not buy into the Culture of Fear. On our Road to Peace & the Greater Good for All, perhaps. May it be so.

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Staying Focussed

There is such a dichotomy in our culture these days. From the sublime of Pete Seeger performing at 89 years old and promoting his new CD, “At 89,” full of new songs and old, important songs rejecting war and hatred, promoting peace and love, to the ridiculousness of inept politicians, it feels as though we’ve seen it all. But, have we really? I suppose things could get worse, especially if one pays attention to all of the dire warnings about the economy. It is important to stay informed, but it is also important to look beyond the fear, to believe in guidance and the ability to cope with whatever comes our way. Yes, the facts may show us it may get tough for a lot of people, there may be more great loss; but, the Truth is we have the power to keep ourselves on an even keel, no matter what, by keeping our focus on the Cosmic/God/Great Spirit/Intuition/whatever you choose, and staying open to the guidance which is always available.

Take time to go to a quiet place, a private space, even if it has to be in the midst of tumult, go within, even for a split second, and connect to the great I AM. Let go, breath in slowly, blow it out, slowly, feel your heart slow down until you feel calm. Then ask for help or give thanks for help received. Visualise the end result of your request. If you have been scared by the news, *see* yourself already through the turmoil, successfully continuing with your life. Be sure to give thanks for “this or something better for the highest good of all concerned.”

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In my parents’ time, lessons learned, & culture of fear

As I listen to the debate on Capitol Hill regarding what is being called the most momentous financial disaster in the history of the United States, I don’t even pretend to understand it all. I am not even sure any one professional understands all of it.

What comes to mind are thoughts of the way my parents operated. Neither of them had anything but a gas credit card until they were in their 70s. They had bank loans for real property and, I am sure my dad had some for his business, but they did not have credit accounts anywhere else. They were children of the Depression and, while they didn’t deny themselves or their children the good things in life which they could afford, neither did they squander their earnings nor play the keep-up-with-any-neighbours, have-to-have-it as we have seen recent generations do. I am sure, having been through the Depression, were they alive, today, they would be very worried and dismayed.

A big lesson I learned from my parents, especially my mom, was worry does no good. I believe she worried herself literally to death. She didn’t mean to but she could not let go and just rest; let go and know things would work out for herself, but most especially for her children. I don’t know if she was that way because of the Depression, but I would think it contributed to her nervous nature.

Worriers over-analyse. They are constantly thinking over their troubles, wondering which way would be best, trying to control that over which they may have no power. They may keep themselves in a constant state of no progress due to fear of whatever scenario their fears have brought to mind.

In our current time, the Culture of Fear has reached a fever-pitch with the administration bombarding the people with constant warnings of dire events looming. Peoples’ consciousness, the mass consciousness, has been focussed for eight years on lack, fear, war, and aggression.

There is a better way to live, to lead, to let go of fear without being impractical. When we turn our thoughts, words, and actions towards the positive; when we give hope to others and hold hope for ourselves, we cannot help but feel better as long as we are vigilant and do not allow ourselves to qualify each positive thought, statement, or action with a negative caveat.

By stopping the incessant worry about what to do next about our family, work, home, finances, government, etc. we have taken the first step to freedom. As we continue to give thanks for all that we have, all that we give, and all that we receive, we notice our lives improving. We also have to take practical steps: turn off the tv news. If you want to catch up on the news, read it in the paper, online, or in a magazine. The lights, sound, and action of television makes it much more real, invades our subconscious which believes anything we, its operator, put into it; it will do its best to bring about that which we have said is so. This is where the “I AM” becomes so important. By using these sacred words, we are declaring for ourselves: I am loved, I am afraid, I am happy, I am so sad. We are “programming” ourselves to be that way. Better to use “I feel happy, sad, loved, afraid” or whatever.

So, in this financial crisis, while it is good to stay informed and take what actions we may deem appropriate to survive, we can help ourselves by a daily habit of 1) Giving thanks 2) Speaking words that are positive 3) Visualising that which we most desire. 4) Qualify all with “I give thanks for this or something better, for the highest good of all concerned. So mote it be!”

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When the Change We Need Came to Western Colorado

Today politics united thousands of folks in my part of Colorado. They lined up from as early as sunrise to get a spot to see and hear Barack Obama speak at noon. They stood, some of them, for 5-6 hours, many more of them for 3-4 hours, to be sure they got a chance to see the next President of the United States. I was fortunate to be there. I was so proud to see so many people… so many people passionate and excited about politics, some of them for the first time, some of them for what had obviously been many, many years. They came walking, in wheelchairs, with canes, walkers and aides.  For some it obviously took extreme effort to be there. What they all seemed to have was an infectious excitement. It was afterall, the first time in sixty years since a presidential candidate had visited our area. But, I believe they were also excited, as much, if not more so, because it was their candidate they’d come to see. The person who has given our entire country a chance to hope, a glimmer of what real change could be for our beleaguered country and, in a relative way, the world.

For me, it also represented the end of a long dry spell. I had not been to any political rallies of any sort for several years. I’ve been a recluse of sorts; a forced withdrawal due to some past health challenges. I have kept connected through the internet and email. Doing so, I have often felt very alone, especially politically in what has traditionally been a conservative, Republican area. Today, the first thing I thought as I watched all of the people around me, as I noted their diversity and felt their joy, was “I am not alone.” It sounds so simple, yet it is a profound feeling. These were people who would understand me and where I have come from. They were people who were eager to share their stories and experiences with one another; delighting in the camaraderie, the beautiful day of strong Colorado sunshine, and the promise of hope which Senator Obama brought to the stage.

I am sure I will have more to report as my mind, heart, and spirit sift through the experience of today; a once in a lifetime experience. For now, I give thanks for this wonderful day and I give thanks that Obama wins the election. I give thanks for this or something better for the highest good of all concerned. So mote it be!

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